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Congrats To KeFeng!

Congratulate you on your wedding, KeFeng Zhang and Xia Jiang.

I'm sorry I can't attend your wedding party. First write a word for you here :BAI NIAN HAO HE(百年好合,pinyin,/bai nian hao he/).
And I called him and chatted his wedding party this morning, he told me he maybe hold another party in Beijing, then I promise that I join it certainly if so ,however I am busy.

Yes, the trip of Shanghai between Beijing is very convenient, there are several trains arrive at the destination of Shanghai or Beijing directly with no one stop, so it is easy of my join.

KeFeng is one of my best classmates and roommates in university. Thanks his help.
For Jiang,your cooking skill is so wonderful that I want to taste again. :) . Meanwhile, thank for your law supports .


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