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Principle of Evolution

On the way to my office today, one happened thing interests at me.

Shanghai has a department called City Environment Association. As this reason, there are many City Environment Assistants in locale Shanghai.
Ok, let me entry into the right topic.

Someone posters an advertisement to look for people on an electric pole. It is common for us, however, one of CEA, shorting for City Environment Assistant, went through to the pole, and ripped the advertisement.  My god!  If the CEA exchanges a role, and if he/she is the one who pasted the advertisement, what does he /she can do?

Actually, we can't treat this thing so simplify, because it disobey the principle of evolution of society. To keep city clear, the quality of people have to hit a high level (or called degree). If it is forced to change, while the quality of people isn’t improved, it only change in your eyes, not in your deeply heart.


The above mentioned only an aspect in shanghai. There are many examples for it. OK, take another example. Shanghai Metro is very clear around China, even in the world, but I think the native things disappear. When you step into the metro, you find out that the equipments are very advanced; the floors are very clear, etc. if you go to Beijing and trip by subway, you can find that it is not clear, and there are many beggars, the floor is dirtier than Shanghai.


For it, I like Beijing, because Beijing remains the native, it goes to change something painstakingly at least. Compared to Shanghai, what about your thoughts?


From some civilian culture point, Shanghai has disappearing its characterize gradually, while Beijing not. As well-known, culture is very precious.


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